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Benzodiazepines Rehab Near Boston

While quite a few individuals use benzodiazepines safely for health purposes, these substances do have a high risk for addiction. If your benzo use has gotten out of control, Evolve Recovery Center Millbury can help you get your life back on track. Our benzo rehab near Boston uses tested techniques to address both the mental and physical consequences of benzo dependency.

What Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are tranquilizers that slow the nervous system, resulting in feelings of calm and the relaxation of muscles. Physicians often prescribe benzos to treat things like anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks. Familiar prescription benzodiazepines include

Ways To Determine If You Require Benzodiazepines Rehab Near Boston

While various individuals use benzodiazepines safely, benzos are harmful when overused. You or a loved one could have a benzodiazepine use disorder if you display unfavorable changes in:

  • Work or school performance
  • Normal hygiene and appearance
  • Mood and behavior
  • How you relate to people

You should find help if you ask for benzodiazepines from outside your perscription or attempt to visit multiple healthcare providers to perscribe drugs. Risky actions like driving under the influence or combining benzodiazepines with alcohol are also major red flags for help.

Furthermore, overuse of benzodiazepines can lead to health problems including:

  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of strength
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Reduced coordination
  • Trouble breathing
  • Stroke or coma

If you or someone you love has made an effort to halt the use of benzodiazepines but aren’t able to, it’s time for expert assistance. Evolve Recovery Center Millbury offers benzo rehab for adults who have finished detox but now are in need of a secure environment to reside and continue therapy to stave off relapse. If you are unsure what sort of care you need at this point, call 508-475-5676 for direction.

How To Get Ready For Benzo Rehab Near Boston

Evolve Millbury is devoted to meeting your exact needs the moment you arrive at our Boston rehab facility. With that being said, you should handle a few things to prepare for your time in our care.

  1. Make preparations for your loved ones and your job. Our staff has extensive experience in programs such as FMLA and can help facilitate with your HR department to get you time off from work.
  2. Bring 10 days worth of clothes and other necessities. We suggest bringing casual clothes, hair and toiletry products, and some magazines or books to read.
  3. Schedule your transportation. If you can’t secure a safe ride here, just contact us, and we’ll arrange transportation.

How Long Does Benzodiazepine Rehab Take?

It can be a challenge to predict precisely how long benzo rehab will take because it will vary. The majority of people remain in our care for two to four weeks, but there are some who will find benefit in longer programs of up to three months. A few different elements will help decide the length of your stay:

  • The extent of your benzodiazepine use
  • Your physical health
  • The presence of mental disorders
  • Your response to treatment
  • How long you suffer from post-acute withdrawal
  • What therapies our professionals find most helpful for you

What To Anticipate From Benzodiazepines Rehab

You can anticipate only the highest level of care at our benzodiazepines rehab for Boston. We start by supplying you a well-furnished bedroom, balanced meals and snacks, and engaging activities at our residential facility.

When it comes to benzodiazepine care, our specialists only use evidence-based methods to address the mental aspects of addiction and equip you for the process of recovery. You’ll go to group and one-on-one therapy daily and engage in no less than one family counseling session during your stay.

We also provide medical support if you continue to suffer from prolonged withdrawal effects. Our nurses are experienced at administering appropriate doses of medicine to control those symptoms without inducing a dependence.

How We Ensure Your Safety During Benzos Rehab

At the beginning of a benzo addiction, you’re in danger of relapsing and overdose. Instead of going home where the temptation to use could overcome you, come to our benzodiazepines rehab in near Boston. At Evolve, you’ll be secure in our welcoming, substance-free setting with people who understand what you’re going through. You’ll be provided access to:

  • Personalized, dignified psychiatric and medical care
  • Aftercare planning
  • Compassionate staff and clinicians
  • Peer support
  • Fully-furnished, relaxing bedroom and lounges
  • Strict patient privacy and confidentiality protocols

Find Help Today For Benzodiazepine Use Disorder

When you or a loved one need support with an addiction to benzodiazepine, Evolve Recovery Center Millbury is standing by. Contact us at 508-475-5676 or complete the contact form, and we will answer quickly, 24/7, every day of the year. Request help now.